Sunday, November 19, 2006

On the way back

(Nov 20, 2006 - Mumbai)
It took even less time on the way back to the airport - like 30 min or so. The Armada was hurtling @ around 90kmph.

Young drunk drivers are killing street dwellers in Mumbai. After a particularly gory incident last week, the police has put a few checkpoints along the way in South Mumbai.

I'm now resting on a fully-reclined seat in the departure area at the airport - the flight leaves in another 2.5 hrs. Trying not to sleep to adjust the body clock to California time.

Lots of people going to the Gulf. Long lines heading that way.

Spent the afternoon in Colaba. Cottonworld, Westside, Jahangir Art Gallery etc. Lots of nice stuff in the gallery - acrylic-on-wool, large clay figures etc. Not just paintings. Had lunch at Chetana - very expensive thali - totally not worth Rs. 250. Also admired the Prince of Wales Museum from the outside - a very impressive building indeed. Entry fee: Rs. 15 for Indians, Rs. 300 for foreigners!

When oh when will we be able to board flights at reasonable hours from India?

In-laws have broadband and WiFi now. They were resting and so I caught up with some of my favorite blogs. I now think the whole Enterprise 2.0 or Web 2.0 thing is a bit bogus. The real Enterprise 2.0 is not the one that uses Ajax or SaaS: it's actually that which uses BPO effectively. Socialtext is so totally passe...

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