Saturday, July 07, 2007

Tiffany's store in Palo Alto looted

San Jose Mercury News reports:
Two masked men entered a crowded Tiffany & Co. jewelry store in the Stanford Shopping Center late Saturday, smashed a glass case and made off with an unknown amount of jewelry, according to the Palo Alto Police Department.

Never heard anything like this in this area before.


Thursday, July 05, 2007

What a difference 7 years can make

(Via the Economist blog) George W. Bush's acceptance speech for the Republican nomination on August 3rd 2000 started with the following words:
I am proud to have Dick Cheney at my side. He is a man of integrity and sound judgment, who has proven that public service can be noble service. America will be proud to have a leader of such character to succeed Al Gore as Vice President of the United States.


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Red Mosque = Golden Temple

This Time magazine article, "Believers Under Siege in Pakistan" gives a first-hand account of the situation at the Red Mosque in Islamabad. It sounds very similar to the Golden Temple siege in Amritsar. I hope the Pakistan government handles the situation with more tact and patience.


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