Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Rubicon Consulting Spark

I went to a networking dinner called 'Spark' hosted by Rubicon Consulting at Zibibbo's in Palo Alto.

Here, I am with a bunch of Apple alumni and others. Apple is like the Bhagvad Gita. It has had everything you can think of - for about 20 years. Most of the people here are Marketing folks.

Michael Mace, ex-Palm Chief Competitive Officer: Web 2.0 is like the Steel mini-mills example of Clay Christensen.

Mace: Microsoft is obsessed with advertising. Can you bite its business?

Question: Is this mosquitoes vs dinosaurs or mammals vs dinosaurs?

Nilofer: Let developers build your ecosystem.

McKinsey: 93% of IT budgets are precommitted to maintenance.

Mace: Mobile is closed. Carriers control marketing. OS market is fragmented. Java app writers for phones spend 70% of time customizing apps for mobile.

Mace: Watch mobile carefully. Look for opportunities in Wi-Fi and other unregulated (non-carrier) markets. RIM worked on BellSouth's fringe network. Create pull. Watch mobile platforms. Linux on mobile is highly customized.

Mace: T-Mobile insisting on WiFi-cellular phones.

EV-DO is great and game-changing.

Nilofer: Different types of ads based on your role as a buyer, seller of beer etc.

Web 2.0: Peers, endorsements etc is the only thing that matters. 70% of ads on top and side are never viewed. Rankings, top contributions...

Interesting company: Notovo

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