Sunday, October 02, 2005

Journalists can't stop writing about themselves

The Judith Miller story is totally weird: there was no crime, yet there was a half-asssed imprisonment. Unbelievable waste of pixels, newsprint and readers' time. Journalists are more self-centered than any other community, except lawyers maybe.

Au contraire baiby, this IS a very important issue in a so called "land of the free". This is a drama which tells you about the most basic institution of the democracy, freedom of press. Democracy in my mind is as good as its pillars, which are fair, just and efficient judiciary, free press, and efficient and fair law enforcement, apart from free and fair elections. This news just tells you how much freer the press is in operating under the current administration. Shame on Bush.
Scooter Libby was okay with Judy Miller revealing his identify *before* she went to jail. She went to jail nevertheless. Then she sprung free, claiming he gave her his permission to reveal his name: he'd already given this permission upfront. The cynical view is that Judy Miller went to jail to get her good name back after screwing up big time with the false WMD stories (fed to her by Chalabi). And a jail sentence, even an incomplete one, makes for a good autobiography. I don't think this has anything to do with freedom of press. This is all showboating. And the amount of newsprint wasted on this drama is all wasted.
yuk. I was not aware of the permission before her jail sentence.
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